Mobile App Templates & Source Code

CodeCanyon - SocialKit Android App
This APP is dedicated to SocialKit – Social Networking Platform. Android version excluded for upload: 4.4 KitKat. Webview App Android Also compatible with most of mobile web sites
Tags:-  android, app, lollipop, php social network, php social platform, Social Kit, social network, social network platform, Social network Script, social platform,socialkit, socialkit social network, socialkit social platform, upload images,webview

About the apps

As a natural continuation of space templates, today we are releasing three demo mobile apps – one for each template – which enable previewing the content from these template-built spaces on mobile devices. They're available on both Android and iOS, which makes it fair to say that we are releasing six apps at once. Please welcome: Blog, Gallery, Catalogue.
The titles are as straightforward as the apps themselves: Blog presents posts,Gallery shows images, and Catalogue resembles any of the dozens of curation services in which visitors can browse through collections of products.
demo mobile apps blog post


Certainly, these are by no means supposed to be final ready-to-use products – and the blog app is not going to make App Store Top 10 chart. Think of these rather as polished versions of Hello, World! These apps are primarily intended to demonstrate how Contentful simplifies and promotes mobile publishing and to show examples of what can be achieved with it. And of course to help you persuade your fellow project managers and developers that mobile content management need not necessarily be painful and complex.

Source code on GitHub

To developers: there's more. The source code of all apps is released on GitHub – see the links below. When you set out to develop an app, this codebase might be a very good starting point for exploring what it's like to integrate mobile with Contentful.
  • github.com/contentful/product-catalogue-ios
  • github.com/contentful/blog-app-ios
  • github.com/contentful/gallery-app-ios
  • github.com/contentful/blog-app-android/
  • github.com/contentful/product-catalogue-android/
  • github.com/contentful/gallery-app-android

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